Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? We are here to answer.

Where are you located?

Massage Treatment in Midtown East:
501 Fifth Ave Suite 2001
New York, NY 10017

Classes in Lower East Side:
167 Rivington St
New York, NY 10002

What is the recommended session length?

Our sessions are available in durations of 60, 90, and 120 minutes. A traditional Thai massage typically spans 90 minutes, allowing sufficient time to thoroughly work through the entire body. For targeted relief of specific ailments, we recommend opting for a 120-minute session to comprehensively address and alleviate the issue.

What is a typical Thai massage session like?

Thai massage is performed on a firm mat laid out on the floor, requiring clients to wear comfortable clothing to facilitate ease of movement. Practitioners skillfully employ their thumbs, palms, elbows, knees, and feet, utilizing a blend of techniques that include acupressure, gentle rocking, subtle twisting, as well as joint and spine mobilizations, coupled with assisted yoga stretches. The unique approach of leveraging body weight rather than relying on strength, along with a steady, meditative rhythm, transforms the Thai massage experience into a harmonious dance between the therapist and client, marked by fluidity and grace.

What are the benefits of Thai massage?

Thai massage acts as a comprehensive reset for your body, mind, and spirit. It liberates muscle tension and enhances the flow of vital energy, leading to improvements in posture, breathing, flexibility, digestion, and circulation. This method not only stretches the muscles but also tones the internal organs, while simultaneously alleviating emotional and nervous tension. As a result, it's common for individuals to experience a profound sense of peace both during and after a session, marking a holistic journey towards rejuvenation and tranquility.

Which service is right for me?

On our website, we offer detailed insights into the benefits of each service we provide, ensuring you can make an informed decision about your wellness journey. Should you require further assistance in choosing the service that best aligns with your specific conditions, goals, and needs, please don't hesitate to call us. Our team is here to help you navigate your options and find the perfect match for your holistic health aspirations.

What is cancellation policy?

Payment is required either before or at the time of your session to ensure a seamless experience. We kindly request that you give us at least 48 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please be aware that any changes or cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice will incur charges equivalent to the full price of the session. This policy helps us manage our schedule and accommodate other clients efficiently. Thank you for understanding and cooperating.

How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment?

You can conveniently manage your booking directly through the confirmation or reminder emails we send out for your scheduled appointment. Within these emails, you'll find "change" and "cancel" buttons, making it simple for you to update your appointment as needed. This feature is designed to provide you with a hassle-free way to adjust your booking according to your preferences or unforeseen changes in your schedule.

What should I wear?

Thai massage is conducted with the client fully clothed, so it's important to wear comfortable attire free from snaps, zippers, or buttons to facilitate ease of movement and flexibility. Considering the variations in individual comfort levels, we suggest bringing warm layers to ensure you remain comfortable in case the room feels cool during your session. Should you need them, we also provide suitable clothing to ensure that everyone can enjoy their Thai massage experience to the fullest.

What should I do after my treatment?

After your Thai massage session, we encourage you to gently ease back into your routine while taking time to integrate the experience fully. Hydration is key, so please drink plenty of water. Consider engaging in gentle, grounding activities like taking a leisurely walk through a park, savoring a warm cup of tea, journaling your thoughts and feelings, meditating, or indulging in a hot shower or bath. Nourishing your body with healthy foods can also enhance the benefits of your session.

Our aim with these sessions is to guide you towards a deeper commitment to self-care and love. Treat yourself to moments of relaxation, tranquility, and undivided attention to your well-being. Embrace this opportunity to reconnect with yourself, fostering a state of calm and presence that can illuminate your path to personal wellness.

As professional therapists, our commitment is to ensure a completely safe and enjoyable experience for all our clients. Please be assured that our work is strictly therapeutic and non-sexual in nature. Our priority is your well-being and comfort, and we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professional conduct and ethics in all our services.